
The teddy bear search engine

Welcome ! Here is the Teddy Bear Search Engine.

You may search for teddy bears sites in 2 ways :

  • By typing directly the keywords you are looking for (site title, artist or brand name).
  • Or by selecting criterions in the list-boxes (nationality, kind of site, materials used to make the bears and so on).

The more criterions you select or the more words you type : the more refined is the search

Duplication or publication of the datas extracted from the search engine is prohibited.

Search by name, title, keywords

Enter your text.
example : miniature bears in usa or Steiff.

Search by categories

Choose one or more categories.
example : USA + personal home page + Artist.
related to
kind of page

Bear artists interviews

We have also bear artist's interview : have a look at our Laurence Veron, Jackie Morris, Kelly Dean and Robin Foley interviews in english !