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Teddybearsearch (4.2) has found 10 Results in less than 1 sec
"At Yesterday's Teddy we specialize in Early Antique STEIFF Teddy Bears & Animals, from the Rare to the Well Loved."
"Large range of old & antique Teddy Bears with over 300 in stock from all of the world.Range includes Steiff, Chiltern, chad Valley, Bing, Merrythought, Deans, Farnell and many others."
"The long-established original web site devoted exclusively to old teddy bears & soft toys, including early Steiff, Bing, Chad, and many more. Updated constantly with lots of fun new photos each week!"
"For all your experienced bears. Antique and 20th century collectable classics. Teddybears such as Steiff; Merrythought; Chiltern, Farnell, W J Terry, Schuco plus ceramics and much more"
"Ted's Eclectic Lot for Steiff, Merrythought, Deans, Hermann, Royal Doulton, Winnie the Pooh, Beatrix Potter, Rupert, Paddington & limited editions and rare bears and more. A beary welcome awaits you"
language(s) : English
"Martin Kidman specialises in interesting and amusing, old and antique bears and soft toys. There is particular emphasis on larger bears and animals on wheels, especially by Steiff."
"A wide range of Antique, Vintage and Collectable Teddy Bears, Toys and animals.Including, Steiff, Bing, Merrythought, Chad Valley, Chiltern, amongst others.Postcards and other teddy bear-related items"
language(s) : English
"Antique Teddy Bears, Steiff and English. Fine quality Teds and also characters. All special old Teds. Together with antique dolls, and doll and bear accessories."
"Specializing in sales of antique teddy bears, Steiff, Bing, Strunz, Chad Valley, Merrythought and old Steiff animals. Also teddy related accessories, pins, badges and teddy bear clothing."
"Teddy Bear Website"
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Bear artists interviews
We have also bear artist's interview : have a look at our Laurence Veron, Jackie Morris, Kelly Dean and Robin Foley interviews in english !